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Just like, everyone has their own toothbrush.  Every transaction needs their own REALTOR®


Likewise, You need someone who has spent time with you and understands what you need and want and expect in buying or selling your home.  Listening to you is important.  Explaining things as needed is important.  The adventure is not as overwhelming if you have a trusted guide.


Over the past 24 years I’ve learned  that there are no two transactions alike.  There are no two buyers or sellers that have the exact same scenario or set of circumstances that need to be considered when buying or selling their home.


Real estate is more than just a hand shake and a verbal agreement. Its executing a legal transaction with documents, compliance, time lines, lending guidelines and personal expectations. All to make sure people’s lives and livelihood is respected and carried out.  


You need your own REALTOR®. If there is ever a conflict or disagreement within a transaction you need someone to “fight” if you will, for “YOU”. 


Transactions can be complex. Working with professionals who are familiar with all those complexities can make the stress of home buying an exciting and joyful experience.

Have your own Realtor.

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